Anil Taneja
Anil Taneja
Anil Taneja wrote: Why are people in the natural stone industry so reluctant to innovate?
It is obvious by now to most people in the natural stone industry that the current slowdown in demand is unusually prolonged, that most companies ...
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Anil Taneja
Anil Taneja wrote: 2023 and marble sector
We are going through a very difficult period as a world and for the first time this global crisis has reached a point that...
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Anil Taneja
A snapshot of the Natural Stone Industry in May 2021
1. There seem to be currently two very different worlds, with diverging prospects.
a). There is an increasingly optimistic world, consisting of EU, USA and China...
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Anil Taneja
A to Z of natural stone industry in 2020
According to a recent study, overall consumption of alcohol this year would have increased by 14%. Be sure in the natural...
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Anil Taneja
New times: New challenges for natural stone industry
Since times immemorial natural stone has been the privileged building and decorative material of choice in all civilizations and cultures. In the last few...
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